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How to use data analytics in personalizing employee experience

Personalizing employee experience is not just another attempt to increase the productivity of companies. It is an action that brings specific value to employees and focuses on their individual needs, feelings, and preferences. Data-driven internal communication plays a significant role in this regard. So, how to use data analytics to personalize the employee experience?

The personalized journey of an employee? Why not?

Shaping employee experiences (EX), understood as the sum of everything an employee encounters during recruitment and employment, requires a holistic approach and sometimes a reassessment of the organizational culture. It is a journey where every moment matters because it affects employee engagement, well-being, and willingness to develop and build their employer’s competitive advantage. In this entire process, personalization serves as a special ingredient that distinguishes an employee from the crowd and allows them to feel exceptional, provided it is applied systematically, strategically, and based on available analytics.

personalizing employee experience

Personalizing employee experience in internal communication

Regardless of the organization’s size, personalizing employee experience is not only possible but can also be effective. The key to success lies in leveraging digital technologies that enable the acquisition of relevant information about employees. In internal communication, data obtained through EX platforms allows for content management and customization based on recipients’ needs and preferences. As a result, employees:

  • Receive messages that align with their roles, interests, and needs.
  • Engage more willingly in two-way communication – personalized employee experiences in internal communication encourage participation in discussions and other interactions.
  • Feel appreciated and recognized when they receive messages addressed specifically to them.
  • Feel part of a community when they witness the engagement of others and are invited to participate themselves (e.g., expressing their opinions).

How to leverage analytics in building personalized internal communication?

Designing personalized employee experiences is possible after obtaining the necessary data. A similar principle applies to customer communication – one must first get to know the people with whom they want to establish a relationship, and the acquired knowledge is used to create strategies and define specific business goals. Through analytical modules available on communication platforms, we can discover:

  • The reach of IC activities – knowing how many of our messages reach recipients through available channels enables personalizing employee experiences by communicating with them in their preferred manner (via email, messengers, webinars, audio or video recordings, etc.).

💡 Tip: Segmentation helps deliver the right messages to the right recipients. It can be done using various criteria (e.g., department, location, or interests).

  • Employee engagement in internal communication – who uses IC tools, at what times, for what purpose, how much time they dedicate to exploring content, and how they react to it.

💡 Tip: Before preparing a campaign or message, set a goal and then assess its level of achievement. The goal could be to receive comments on a post, message forwarding, initiate discussions in thematic groups, or engage in other activities, such as signing up for a course, etc.

  • Hotspots and blind spots of communication platforms – where employees frequently visit, what attracts their attention, which areas are overlooked, etc.

💡 Tip: When personalizing employee experiences in internal communication, consider the risk of information overload and chaos.

  • Employees’ interests and preferences – which topics are important to them and elicit emotions, and how they prefer to communicate (formally/informally), etc.

💡 Tip: Categorize communications and match channels to their significance – send top-down or important messages through the most preferred and effective channels. Use not only different communication formats but also various styles (formal, humorous, etc.). Remember that personalizing employee experiences involves not only using their names in communication but also employing their preferred communication style.

  • Internal influencers – analytics help identify individuals or departments that have a greater influence on shaping opinions.

💡 Tip: Personalize experiences for such employees by sending them extended sets of information, acknowledging their contributions to communication, and requesting their opinions.

  • Effectiveness of internal communication – whether personalizing employee experiences fulfills its role in engaging employees and creating a friendly and efficient work environment.

💡 Tip: Evaluate the effectiveness of each campaign and draw conclusions. Seek feedback from employees – shaping experiences in internal communication relies on dialogue and mutual respect.

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How does Workai help personalize the employee experience?

Workai is a tool created with the needs of employees in mind. Through advanced data analytics, it enables the personalization of their experiences on multiple levels:

  • Easy and fast acquisition of data for personalization, presented in an accessible format in one place.
  • “Tracking” employee journeys – how employees navigate the platform, which content captures their attention, what they engage with, and what they overlook.
  • Feedback and needs assessment – facilitates the creation of quick surveys, reporting needs, and reaction buttons.
  • Segmentation and personas – created based on needs and preferences, allowing for sending personalized communications.
  • The digital platform Workai provides employees with personalized and valuable experiences that impact their engagement and motivation to take action.

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