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Mobile intranet app

5 reasons why you need social media in your intranet app 

Nowadays social media play a huge role in the life of humanity. They are a kind of indicator of belonging to a given social group, style, and level that an individual represents. They affect many aspects of everyday life, including interpersonal relationships, a system of values, interests, consumer behavior, and even professional activity. So, what about having internal social media features in your intranet app?

Mobile intranet app

The latest research carried out by the Gallup company shows that no less than one in three respondents declared to use social media in order to interact with others every day. Internet users check their phones a thousand times per day.

The statistics indicate also that people interacting through social media frequently were more eager to interconnect with others and meet them in person more often as well. No wonder more and more companies start to implement social media features in their mobile intranet app as they begin to notice the huge benefits this can bring to their business.  

Although the market for employee software is constantly expanding and the choice of the proper application is becoming difficult, it is truly worth investing in. So, what kind of profits may it generate? 

1. Great support of internal communication 

Currently, the mobile intranet app is an instrument of great importance. Why is that? First of all, it initiates, maintains, and develops relationships between employees. Thanks to social media features, the workforce is directly engaged in the daily functioning of the company. Internal communication is highly stimulated then. The employees may publish user-generated content, comment on it and react to all posts. It also creates a possibility to have a space for employee advocacy activities in order to make communication efforts more effective among frontline workers that do not have ongoing access to laptops.  

2. More freedom and quicker response  

Another great advantage of the mobile intranet app is also the opportunity to create a space for less formal conversations. Through social media included in this intranet software, employees can communicate with each other freely, directly, and without fear that they violate the etiquette of company behavior. This type of communication gives them a sense of freedom because they do not have the impression that staying at work is just an automatic performance of duties.  

What is more, a less formal way of communicating enables frontline workers a quick exchange of their ideas. It also creates the opportunity to quickly ask a question and get an immediate answer, which is extremely important when working with customers. Thanks to the prompt response between coworkers, employees can quickly serve the customer, which is proof of their professionalism and high competence. 

3. Tighter integration 

A mobile intranet app is a great tool used to unite employees. It allows them to form small communities and groups within the company, which significantly supports their cooperation and integration. Social media features provided by a mobile intranet app strengthen the relationships between employees and enhance the pleasant atmosphere inside the organization.  

It is also beneficial due to an easier way to interact during the work on a joint project – creating a group dedicated to a given task reinforces and facilitates the flow of information between employees. 

4. Space for employee recognition 

Using the mobile intranet app, the supervisor has also the opportunity to appreciate his subordinates. Sending out messages praising specific employees or publishing the news on company social media takes only a few seconds. This process shows that the employer cares about his subordinates, which increases their engagement and productivity. 

5. Quality content anywhere and at any time 

One of the greatest advantages of the mobile intranet app is that it can be used anywhere and anytime. The employees do not necessarily have to be in the company’s building to use it, and they can save time as they have access to every document or e-mail at their fingertips. Therefore, there are no restrictions or limitations, and no one working remotely feels excluded from the group. This also allows the employees to access the latest news published via corporate social media and react immediately, thanks to which the interaction within the company is not halted or suspended in any way.  

Workai Mobile – mobile intranet app with internal social media features 

Mobile intranet app with social media

Among the many benefits of the mobile intranet app, we can mention primarily the support for cooperation or employee involvement. These perks are undoubtedly maximized when the app includes social media features. A great example of this tool is Workai Mobile. This application combines internal communications, social engagement, knowledge management, integrated search, learning, workflows along with employee feedback into a single mobile software.

It is an enormous facility for a company as it connects the entire workforce, and provides great support for every employee, especially the frontline ones. It is also of great convenience for them as they only need to access this app and can see important company news or announcements, upcoming tasks with a to-do list of activities sorted by priority, links along with shortcuts as well as a contact list for quick response.  

The mobile intranet app with social media features helps to develop a company in every aspect. It is an investment that will not only bring greater financial profits but will also increase the level of employee engagement along with productivity and improve the atmosphere within the organization, which is why it is worth every money.   

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