How to engage bank employees? – 5 practical tips
According to the latest State of the Sector, as many as 30 percent of organizations complain about unengaged employees. This is a huge challenge facing internal communicators as employee engagement is crucial for the success of any business. What does the situation look like in banks? Read our article and discover what you can do to engage bank employees!
How to engage bank employees? – 5 practical tips

The level of employee engagement in the banking sector leaves much to be desired as well, and provides a huge opportunity for internal communications managers. However, there are a few easy-to-implement ideas that will inspire your employees, engage them at work and improve their productivity. Engage bank employees with our ready-to-implement tips!
How to engage bank employees?
1.Encourage open communication
Gallup alerts that as many as 85 percent of employees are unengaged, despite measures taken by managers. This forces us to take even stronger steps to make the employee an important part of the organization. In this, we will be supported by involving employees in communication processes. Open communication means not only asking your employees for feedback but also creating an environment where they can strike up a conversation on their own, share inspiration and ask! Such a solution could be an internal social network, in which an employee creates their profile and gains opportunities to create communities, based on projects, members’ positions, and interests.
2. Foster teamwork and collaboration
Empower your employees and make them feel a valuable part of your business. Promote collaboration and a culture of knowledge and experience sharing among employees in your company. Engage employees in activities that will help them get to know their teams better and be more willing to work with each other. Don’t forget about remote employees, who should be involved in communication to the same extent as on-site ones.
Encouraging teamwork, organizing team-building activities, and promoting a sense of community can improve communication, enhance cooperation and boost employee morale. Of course, this won’t happen unless you equip your employees with technology and a digital platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing.
3. Streamline knowledge access
Bank employees need to keep abreast of changing procedures and also the terms and conditions of their company’s offers to serve customers and acquire new ones even more efficiently. Build your competitiveness by offering fast access to knowledge for your employees. Equip your employees with an integrated knowledge-sharing platform where they can quickly find important documents, get an expert’s answer and also collaborate on documents wherever they are and on every device.
4. Recognize employee contributions
By avoiding the action of appreciating an employee for their contribution to the company’s growth, you risk a lot. Not only do you fail to build employee engagement, but you may also lose talent and undermine employee retention. What can you do about it? Promote a culture of recognition! Employee recognition is a crucial factor in their engagement. Recognizing employees’ contributions enhances their motivation and keeps them feeling valued. Start with small steps, such as giving kudos to your employees on your internal social network.
5. Ensure positive digital experiences
Your employees at work want a similar digital experience to the one they have as customers. Therefore, provide them with the best possible technology – engage them in your internal social network, personalize the content you send to them on your intranet, and produce multimedia training, and podcasts. Let them stay up to date with the most important information through the notification system in their employee apps.

As you can see, sometimes small changes are enough to engage bank employees. Use our advice to enhance not only the experience of your employees but also to contribute to the quality of your services and customer satisfaction. Be sure to let us know your findings!
Engage bank employees with Workai EX Platform
Workai EX platform helps you engage bank employees with its multi-channel capabilities and simple, user-friendly interface. The strength of our tools is personalization, so you can reach your employees faster with information that is important to them. The multifunctional employee application also supports employees performing tasks on the front line, remotely or on the go. Engage bank employees with Workai!