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intranet's effectiveness

How to analyze intranet’s effectiveness? – 5 best practices

One of the many things the employer should be aware of is the intranet’s effectiveness. Why is that? This statement may be justified by the benefits that are provided through the analysis of the web platform. The main advantage of this process is the possibility to interpret employee behavior which in turn allows an improvement and a proper adjustment of solutions to the preferences of employees.

1. Tools required for intranet’s effectiveness analysis

First of all, the company should consider having tools that will be appropriate to support the analytics. Only then will data collection be available. Workai is a great example of that as it provides comprehensive support in the process of data collection and analysis. Thanks to it the company may learn about the outcome of data evaluation and can have access to the results the entire time. This way the employer is constantly aware of the general reception of the web platforms and user experience. 

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2. Constant monitoring 

Intranet’s effectiveness should be measured constantly. This rule requires the analysis to be performed in real-time. It means that the company should monitor the results before a change, during its process, and at its final stage. This will undoubtedly provide the employer with an authentic outcome. What is more, they may compare the results of the analysis and draw appropriate conclusions about what has changed for the better or worse. This way of gathering and monitoring data guarantees reliable results which in turn will help the company to improve the intranet and applications used by employees.    

3. Different facets count

intranet's effectiveness

Intranet’s effectiveness should also be measured in a multidimensional way. The analysis cannot be focused only on one aspect. Thanks to the multi-level evaluation of the data the company may learn a lot. This way of analysis helps to maximize information about the intranet’s effectiveness and its functioning. A variety of metrics can be then truly beneficial and the employer will know exactly what steps should be taken in order to improve a given area. 

4. Mapping

Another useful practice that helps to analyze intranet’s effectiveness is mapping. Thanks to this method, the company can quickly and reliably learn about the strengths and weaknesses of its intranet. Mapping analytics to the intranet strategy may be very beneficial in order to state whether the intranet is functioning according to the business plan. The company may compare the results to the business objectives and identify the level of intranet’s’ effectiveness. If something is wrong and does not work as productively as it should facing the business plan, then the company may realize which area needs to be improved in order to be as effective as it was assumed. 

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5. Analysis calls to action

intranets’ effectiveness

The results obtained from the intranet analysis should be followed by conclusions and actions. If the company conducted research in order to monitor the data about the intranet’s effectiveness or if the process is still ongoing, then all of the results and information gathered from the analysis should be taken into account. It is crucial to take the action as only then the whole process will be valid and the aspects that did not work effectively can be improved. Otherwise, there is no point in conducting the analysis and spending time on this procedure.  

Important is to remember that the process does not end with analysis results. The real value will be delivered by the company intranet analytics not only on the basis of analysis outcome but also after monitoring general surveys on measurements and related activities which is a part of the review process. This will undoubtedly provide the company with reliable intranet analytics. 

Intranet’s effectiveness as a key to success

Intranet’s effectiveness is of high significance when it comes to the proper functioning of a given organization. Workai enables conducting a successful analysis of how productive the intranet is. It offers appropriate tools that can be used in order to measure the intranet’s effectiveness, gather the data and analyze them. It is strongly recommended for those companies who want to create a well-organized environment with engaged and satisfied employees and desire to improve some areas in order to function smoothly.

Read more: How to set and measure internal communications KPIs (

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