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remote work

Remote Work with Workai: Support for Flexible Work Models

Remote work is becoming increasingly common, making it easier for many employees to blend their professional and personal lives. Unfortunately, remote and flexible work often presents new challenges for organizations in terms of managing dispersed teams, their engagement, and communication among employees. A simple solution to these issues could be Workai – our intranet platform.

Why is Workai the ideal solution for remote and flexible work models?

The Workai intranet platform is designed to support communication processes among employees, regardless of where they work. With cloud-based tools and a mobile application, employees have easy access to the resources they need from anywhere and any device. Workai enables them to collaborate remotely, providing real-time document sharing and editing capabilities. It ensures a secure working environment, with access granted only to authorized users, and data encryption. The obtained ISO certificate attests to its security. Additionally, our tool integrates with other systems.

flexible work with Workai

How does Workai support team communication and information exchange?

Workai allows your employees to communicate with other team members in real-time, including through an internal social network and participation in live streaming events. The platform facilitates document sharing, making collaboration on projects easier. Thanks to the notification system, employees are constantly updated on new messages, news, publications, or tasks to complete. The mobile application and responsive web pages enable access to resources from anywhere and any device.

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How does Workai adapt to remote and flexible work models?

Workai is a flexible and personalized product that allows customization of the intranet to meet the different needs of various employee groups, taking into account their positions, roles, and communication preferences. It serves as a central point of access to information and collaboration, regardless of the workplace. It adapts to various communication channels, including web browsers, email, mobile devices, or collaboration platforms like MS Teams. Workai also simplifies access to information, aiding in the search process and maintaining content consistency. It is also a tool for building engagement, allowing the publication of interactive content, multimedia, and providing channels for sharing opinions and participating in discussions.

Workai – the best tool for remote and flexible work

In the face of a rapidly changing work environment that increasingly includes flexible work models, tools like Workai become invaluable. The Workai intranet platform adapts to the modern needs of organizations, enabling efficient communication, effective collaboration, and secure access to resources from anywhere and at any time.

By supporting diverse personas, enabling communication across multiple channels, facilitating information discovery, promoting engagement, and ensuring secure access, Workai becomes the perfect tool for companies striving for success in the era of hybrid and remote work.

As organizations adapt to the new reality of work, investing in platforms like Workai allows them to maintain consistency, efficient communication, and employee engagement, regardless of the location of work or preferred means of interaction. This is a key element in building modern and future-proof workplaces where employees have access to tools that facilitate their professional and personal success.

Making your workplace work for you

A complete, intelligent solution, allowing you to empower your team, get more done, and work better together.