How to create a knowledge sharing culture in your enterprise
Where society is formed, culture develops. It is no different with enterprises. But what does culture mean? It is a set of specific behaviors and values that are typical for the community. So, if you want knowledge to play an important role in your organization and you see it as an opportunity for your enterprise to grow, start implementing knowledge sharing culture rules. Knowledge sharing culture standard is the close cooperation of all employees and unhindered exchange of knowledge. People are open to sharing their experiences, and expertise with others to create an organized environment.
How to create a knowledge sharing culture in your company?
The activities you want to implement should be well planned and coordinated. Remember that the foundation is always the most important. Without it, you will not build anything durable. In the case of implementing a knowledge sharing culture, you must invest in the latest technology designed to improve knowledge sharing in organizations, there is no other way.
Nowadays, a random knowledge base is not enough! Especially, since the remote mode of working has become a new reality! Communication in dispersed teams can be very challenging so it’s important to make sure there is a digital place, available to all employees, wherever they are, where they can stay in touch and easily exchange knowledge. The answer is a digital platform containing the features of a knowledge base, intranet, and social network. Having all these components in one unified platform streamlines the flow of information.
Ideally, such a platform would allow your employees to co-work on the same documents simultaneously and support the process of finding information reducing the time to reach it.

Lead your people by example
People can become very accustomed to the way they perform processes and sometimes the attempts to change anything are met with resistance and incomprehension. To encourage them to change, and to share knowledge with others using new tools and channels, you should set a good example.
It’s a good idea to start fostering a knowledge sharing culture with managers. Managers are the ones who most often manage teams and are in constant contact with many people in the organization. Being senior and occupying a decision-making position strengthens the authority. It is very easy for the managers to become internal influencers, promoting a style of functioning that supports a knowledge sharing culture. The flow of knowledge should be smooth on the employee-supervisor line, but also the employee-other-employee line (vertically and horizontally).
It is a good idea to reward initiatives and people who are patrons of activities that are in line with knowledge sharing culture. To make the knowledge sharing process a continuous and lasting one, managers must remember that the actions mentioned before have to be done continuously.

What are the benefits of a knowledge sharing culture?
The benefits of knowledge sharing culture are countless. From the smooth flow of information to employee integration and increased profits for the whole organization. Developing a culture of knowledge sharing enhances the employee experience.
With tools that support employees in gaining knowledge and increasing their productivity, they feel that it comes easier to perform their duties. They perform their work more efficiently, which translates into improved well-being and a higher engagement level. However, we cannot forget that cultural development is a process. It may seem difficult at first to implement new principles and promote new values. With time, the new approach to knowledge sharing will become more natural and new employees, following the example of the entire organization, will easily adapt to the rules.
How can Workai support you in implementing a knowledge sharing culture?
Workai offers you a digital employee experience platform that combines the features of an intranet, AI-powered knowledge base, and social network that support you in creating effective internal communications and streamlining the processes of knowledge exchange. Workai allows you to analyze all employees’ interactions so you can implement the solutions to strengthen their employee experience. It creates a digital environment where all employees seamlessly interact, discuss, cooperate, and give each other feedback.