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Digital transformation of internal communication

How can digital transformation of internal communication affect your profits? 

Nowadays digital transformation is one of the most powerful processes that contribute to the great development of the company. Organizations that settle for increasing the effectiveness of their daily functioning may successfully enter new markets and compete with products offered globally assuming that they implement the newest strategies. It may be possible thanks to digital transformation. The solutions that come along with this process elevate the company to a higher level.  

The general idea behind the digital transformation of internal communication  

For several years specialists have been pointing out that artificial intelligence, cloud-based solutions, and services provided via intranet will dominate the coming years in the business area. The Global Survey carried out by McKinsey&Company shows that digital transformation influences mainly the way internal communication works, improving it through social tools and facilitating smooth contact between both employees and customers. This, in turn, is very desirable as it automatically increases the gains of the company. 

What are the benefits of digital transformation of internal communication?

There are dozens of advantages obtained through the implementation of the newest IT solutions in the company. Let’s see some of the most popular reasons why it is worth undertaking a digital transformation of internal communication. 

1. Better communication  

In recent years, the digital transformation from a popular business slogan has become a reality. Currently, companies are competing with each other to carry it out. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is the huge development and improvement of internal communication.

The implementation of modern technologies translates into the comfort of work as well as the ease of establishing contact. Employees can therefore communicate with each other quickly. This is extremely beneficial, especially in the case of large companies with a lot of employees. It is much easier for them to communicate with each other and solve the problem or serve the customer by using the tools implemented during the digital transformation.  

What is more, these tools, as well as modern platforms designed specifically for communication between employees, increase the security of stored data and generate tangible savings. One benefit leads to another. 

2. Better fulfillment of internal comms strategies 

The flow of information between individual departments or teams is crucial for the proper functioning of the company. In the report prepared by McKinsey&Company, one can read that well-computerized companies achieve much higher results of effective communication. The source of their success is the use of innovative technologies, such as for instanceas integrated enterprise management systems. They ensure a stable flow of information.

This is especially important from the perspective of project communication. Without effective applications and tools, it brings little or no results. Through conducting digital transformation, the employer provides employees with the best way to communicate, thanks to which they can execute strategies and assumptions easier and efficiently. It not only improves internal communication but also encourages the customer to cooperate with the company. 

3. Better talent retention and increased productivity 

Digital transformation of internal communication affects not only the way of working but also the atmosphere in the organization. Taking care of how employees feel in their workplace is of significant importance. They need to know that their activity and efforts are important. Digital solutions implemented through transformation may serve as a powerful instrument to give employees a feeling of gratitude.  

There exist a lot of ways that companies may use to connect digital transformation and employee recognition. For instance, the employer may mention via monthly newsletter the employee providing the top-performing sales. There can also be created staff forums where effective employees will be awarded through praise. This will undoubtedly lead to talent retention as people engaged to work and appreciated for what they do day to day will not want to change their job.  

It is also a successful method to increase their productivity. Employee recognition is vital when it comes to keeping engagement and morale high. Digital transformation of internal communication may only revive the energy of employees. The newest tools used to communicate and cooperate will definitely contribute to providing them with working process convenience. The more comfortable it is, the bigger will be their professional satisfaction. Therefore, their motivation will increase, which in turn leads to higher effectiveness.  

4. Creating a place where employees want to be day by day  

A not less important result of the digital transformation of internal communication is a much better atmosphere in the organization. This is partly due to increased employee engagement. However, the main reason for the good atmosphere is excellent communication, and this can be achieved thanks to the implementation of digital solutions. This is an extremely effective strategy that raises the interest of employees and unites them not only as people working together on some tasks but also as a team, almost family.  

5. Better access to knowledge 

Digital transformation of internal communication means also better access to knowledge. Employees can quickly obtain the information that they look for and carry out their tasks without undue delay or unnecessary effort. Thanks to this option they make fewer errors and the agility of the daily functioning of the company increases automatically. 

6. Employee empowerment  

Last but not least is the question of employee empowerment. Digital transformation gives the employer the possibility to create channels through which they may connect with the employees and create with them a professional bond based on trust and respect. When employees see that their boss cares about their ideas and opinions, they are not afraid of expressing their thoughts and truly take part in the process of decision-making. It only strengthens their sense of belonging to the company, makes them responsible, and encourages them to further action. 

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Time is money  

Digital transformation of internal communication is a process that should be conducted in every company which desires progress and profits. It brings a great number of benefits that can modernize the work organization in the company, improve it in a significant way and place it at the top.

Workai offers solutions and tools that support the process of digital transformation. The greatest aspect of it is that it is not only customer-centered but also employee-oriented, and thus it maximizes all possible profits. The sooner companies realize the potential of this change, the faster they will reorganize their daily operations, which will ultimately bring them huge benefits. 

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